Purposed Association Bylaws
1.0 General
1.1 Name
This document is the general bylaws for the Medicine Hat Minor Hockey Association (the “Association”). These Bylaws regulate the transaction of business and affairs of the Association.
1.2 Affiliation
The Association shall be a member of Hockey Alberta (HA).
1.3 Definitions
In these Bylaws:
- “Act” shall mean the Societies Act, RSA 2000 C S-14, as amended or any substitution therefore from time to time.
- “Annual General Meeting” shall mean the annual general meeting of
the Members.
- “Association” shall have the meaning specified in Section 1 of these Bylaws.
- “Board” shall mean those individuals elected, appointed to the positions of Officers and Directors, in accordance with Section 0, 6.0, 7.0 of these Bylaws.
- “Bylaws” shall mean these bylaws of the Association, as amended from time
to time.
- “HA” shall have the meaning specified in Section 2 of these Bylaws.
- “Chair” shall have the meaning specified in Section 4(a) of these Bylaws.
- “Chair of the Board Meeting” shall have the meaning specified in Section 8 of these Bylaws.
- “Committee” means a group comprised of individuals charged with specific activities and objectives as instituted by the Executive Committee.
- “Director(s)” shall mean the person(s) elected to the Board from time to time in accordance with these Bylaws.
- “Directors of the Board” shall have the meaning specified in Section 7.1 of these Bylaws.
- “Executive Committee” shall be comprised of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary and the Governor of Coach/Player Development.
- “Hockey Operations Manager” (HOM) shall mean the individual hired to manage the Associations Hockey Operations.
- “Family” shall mean collectively one or more Participants registered in the
Association, each of whom have the same parent(s) or legal guardian(s);
- “Game and Conduct Plan” shall mean the plan implemented by the Game and Conduct Directors (as defined in Section 2 (b) of these Bylaws) and as amended from time to time.
- “Meeting” shall mean an Annual or Interim General Meeting or Special Meeting of the Association.
- “Member” shall mean an individual approved for membership in the Association in accordance with these Bylaws and “Members” means two (2) or
more Members.
- “Medicine Hat Boundary” shall mean the municipal boundary applicable
to Medicine Hat and the surrounding area, as approved by Hockey Alberta from time to time.
- “Medicine Hat Draw Zone” shall mean the recruitment areas for AAA and AA
- “Officer” shall mean any officer of the Association elected from time to time in accordance with these Bylaws.
- “MHMHA” shall mean the Medicine Hat Minor Hockey
- “Ordinary Resolution” shall mean a resolution passed by more than fifty (50%)
percent of Voting Members in person.
- “Participant” shall mean any individuals who are registered as a player or team officials in the Association, whether or not such individual is a Member.
- “Person” shall mean an individual, corporation, partnership, association, society,
trust, unincorporated organization and any other business organization or institution.
- “Rules and Regulations” shall mean the rules and regulations of the Association prescribed by the Board relating to the management and operation of the Association adopted and revised from time to time.
- “Season” shall mean the HA hockey playing season that runs from August 1st up to and including April 30th of each year.
- “Special Meeting” shall mean a meeting for which notice is given at least twenty- one (21) days in advance, held for the purpose of managing extraordinary business, as described in Section 4.2 hereof.
- “Special Resolution” shall mean:
- a resolution passed at a Meeting for which at least twenty-one (21) days’ notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution has been duly given, and by the vote of not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of those Members who vote in person. If notice less than twenty-one (21) days’ is given, a Special Resolution shall be passed if all Members who vote at the meeting so agree.
- a resolution consented to in writing by all of the Members entitled to vote at a Meeting in person.
- “Voting Member” shall mean those Members referred to in Section 3.
1.4 Interpretation
In these Bylaws:
- Words importing the singular number include the plural number and vice ver sa, words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine and words importing persons shall include corporations and companies.
- Headings are for convenience They do not affect the interpretation of these Bylaws.
- These Bylaws must be interpreted broadly and
2.0 Membership
- Category of Members: There are 4 categories of Members in MHMHA:
- Parent Members
To Become a Parent member, a person must:
- be a parent or legal guardian of an Athlete Member
- apply for membership through the registration process
- pay the annual registration fee for Athlete
- Athlete Members
To become an Athlete member, a person must:
- have paid, or had paid on their behalf, the annual registration fee for an Athlete participating in MHMHA, which fee will include the membership fee for Athlete Members
- be not younger than the age of 4 years, nor older than 18 years old by December 31 of the registration year.
- completed and submitted the registration form prior to the upcoming ice hockey
- Volunteer Members
To become a Volunteer member, a person must:
- support the goals and objectives of MHMHA
- not be eligible to be a Parent Member or an Athlete Member
- be 18 years of age or older
- make written application for membership to the Board
- there will be no fee charged to Volunteer
- Honorary Members
- a person may become an Honorary Member if the Voting Members at an AGM pass a resolution to that effect in recognition of the person’s significant contributions to MHMHA.
- there will be no fee charged to Honorary
2.2 Membership Obligation
All Members are obligated during MHMHA activities to conduct themselves according to the Policies and Procedures and By-laws of the Society.
2.3 Membership Year
Membership year is from June 1st to May 31st of the following year.
2.4 Membership Termination
- Voluntary Cessation of Membership:
- Any Member may withdraw from membership in the Association by delivering a written notice to the Secretary of the Association, effective upon receipt.
- Any refund requests for voluntary withdrawal of membership shall on be case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the
- Suspension and Expulsion of Membership:
- Any Member that:
- is in arrears of amounts owing to the Association pursuant to these Bylaws.
- fails to comply with these Bylaws or the Rules and Regulations of the Association; or
- is guilty of misconduct deemed detrimental to the welfare of the Association by the Executive Committee.
may be suspended or expelled from the Association by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the Executive Committee.
- Any member of the Association who commences any type of legal or court action against the Association will be immediately suspended from all Member privileges, including ice time privileges, until the legal or court action is resolved. The suspension shall also apply to that
Member’s parents and legal guardians and siblings who are also
players within the Association.
- A suspended or expelled Member shall thereafter be entitled to no membership privileges or powers, including voting rights and on-ice privileges, until reinstated by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote
of the Executive Committee.
- Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, a suspension of mem bership shall be effective immediately following the approval
of the Executive Committee.
- Suspended individuals shall have an opportunity to appear before the Appeals Committee prior to expulsion.
- The decision of the Executive Committee regarding membership suspension and expulsion, subject to any rights of appeal, is
2.5 Membership Fees
- Membership Fees for the Association shall be set at first Board of Directors meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
- The Board will set fees and dues for each age division on an annual basis and may amend same from time to time as the Board deems necessary in its sole and unfettered discretion.
- An Early Bird Rate be approved by the Board of Directors when rates are paid during the time period of June 1st-June 30
- Fees are payable on or before August 31st, prior to the commencement of the Season.
- Non-payment of Fees in respect of a Participant may result in the suspension or expulsion of the Member(s) related to such Participant pursuant to Section
2.4.2 of these Bylaws.
2.6 Rights of Members
- All members and parents or legal guardians of Athlete Members, who are in good standing, may attend any General or Special Meeting of MHMHA and may upon being recognized by the Chair of the meeting, speak to any issue properly placed on the agenda.
- The only categories of members who have voting rights are Athlete Members, Volunteer Members and Honorary Members (collectively “Voting Members”). Parent Members do not have voting rights apart from those that they may exercise on behalf of an Athlete Member. There will be only one vote for each Athlete Member. If an Athlete Member is less than 18 years of age or if an Athlete Member is 18 years of age or greater and a parent or legal guardian of an Athlete Member paid the registration fee for the Athlete Member, then the parent or legal guardian of the Athlete Member is the one who may exercise the right to vote on behalf of the Athlete Member. In the case of a dispute as to who paid the registration fee, the Parent Member is deemed to be the person who paid the registration fee for the Athlete Member as recorded in the records of MHMHA. This shall be determined by the Secretary/Registrar, whose decisions in this regard are final, binding, and not open to question or review by any tribunal or Court. If an Athlete Member paid his or her own registration fee and is 18 by
the date of the AGM or Special Meeting, then they may exercise the Voting Right and his or her parents or legal guardians will have no voting rights.
2.7 Register of Members
The Association shall keep and maintain a register of all current Members in accordance with the Act and otherwise in accordance with reasonable recordkeeping practices.
3.0 Rules and Regulations
Any rules and regulations set by the Executive Committee, the Board or by Special Resolution of the Members of the Association may be amended from time to time, so
long as such amendments do not conflict with HC’s “Official Playing Rules”, HA’s “Bylaws and Regulations”, and the specific regulations for any leagues in which the Association’s teams are participating.
4.0 Meetings
4.1 Annual General Meeting
- The Annual General Meeting shall be called by the President and be held in a time manner which is in accordance with Alberta Societies Act.
- Business conducted at the Annual General Meeting shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Meeting is to be called to
- Adoption of meeting agenda
- Adoption of preceding year AGM minutes
- Roll call of Officers &
- Report of President
- Report of Treasurer
- Considering the reports of Directors
- Resolutions
- Elections; (in accordance with Section 3)
- Orders and general business
- At the sole discretion of the Chair as defined in Section 4 below, voting at the Annual General Meetings shall be cast by a show of hands or by secret ballots.
- Any business other than business noted in Section 4.1(a) and 1(b) above shall be considered new business.
4.2 Special Meetings
- A Special Meeting may be called at any time:
- by the Secretary of the Association on the instructions of the President; or
- on the written petition of at least forty (40) Members of the The petition shall be sent to the President or Secretary and shall state the reason why the Special Meeting has been requested; or
- by a resolution of the Board to that
- Upon receipt of a petition for a Special Meeting as described in Section 4.2(a)(ii) above, the Special Meeting must be called within fourteen (14) days and held within forty-four (44) days after receipt of same.
- Only the matters set out in the notice for the Special Meeting shall be considered at the Special Meeting.
- The President may determine the order of business at a Special
- Unless otherwise agreed upon by eligible Voting Members in attendance, voting at a Special Meeting shall be by show of hands.
4.3 Notice of Meeting
- Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be published in the Medicine Hat weekly newspaper, the Association’s website, & the Associations Social media outlets, at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the meeting, as well the day prior to the meeting.
- For the purpose of sending communications to any Member, Director or Officer for any Meeting or otherwise, the address or email address of the Member,
Director or Officer shall be the last known address or email address recorded on the books of the Association in respect of such party.
- For the purpose of conducting any meeting as described or prescribed herein the Board may, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, conduct said meeting in person or via electronic means.
4.4 Chair
- The President, or in its absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, shall preside over all
Meetings (the “Chair”).
- If the President and Vice-Presidents are all absent, a replacement of the Chair must be elected by Ordinary Resolution of the Members entitled to vote at such Meeting within the first thirty (30) minutes of a Meeting.
4.5 Financial Statements
A copy of the financial statements of the Association shall be provided to Members at the Annual General Meetings.
4.6 Special Resolution
- If a Special Resolution is to be proposed at a Meeting, the notice of that Meeting must include:
- the full text of the Special Resolution; or
- if the full text of the Special Resolution is too lengthy for convenient inclusion in the notice, a summary of the text in sufficient detail to permit a Member to form a reasoned judgement concerning the Special Resolution.
- If the notice for the Meeting contains a summary of the text of a Special Resolution, the notice must also state the place where the full text of that Special Resolution can be read or copied.
4.7 Quorum
- Quorum for Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings shall be fifteen
(15) persons, including the Chair as defined Section 4.4 herein.
- If, within one hour from the time designated for a Meeting a quorum is not present, the Meeting shall be adjourned to a date and time as determined by the majority of Members present.
- If, at the adjourned Meeting, a quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes from the time appointed, the Members present in person are deemed to constitute a quorum.
- No business, other than the election of a Chair and the adjournment of the Meeting, may be transacted at any Meeting unless a quorum is
present, and if at any time during the Meeting there ceases to be a quorum present, any business then in progress shall be suspended until there is a quorum present.
4.8 Voting
- For greater certainty, a majority of the votes cast by the Members present and carrying voting rights shall be required for approval of business except where the vote or consent of a greater number of Members is required by the Act or these Bylaws.
5.0 Board of Directors
5.1 Composition of the Board
- The Board shall be comprised of:
- All Officers as stated in Section 0
- All Directors as stated in Section 0
5.2 Duties and Powers of the Board
- As the Board is comprised of Officers and Directors, the duties and powers of the Board are also those which relate to each party who comprises the Board.
- The Board shall have the power to remove from office any member of the Executive Committee (as defined in Section 6.1) for neglect of duty or for misconduct by two-thirds (2/3rd) vote.
- To act in best interest of the members of the association as a
5.3 Election of Officers & Directors
- At each Annual General Meeting, the Members shall elect the Officers & Directors to replace those Officers/Directors whose terms of office have expired or will expire at the end of the Meeting, as well as to fill any newly created positions as described in Section 6.1(j).
- A Member may nominate a candidate for Officer/Director (the “Nominee”) to fill a vacancy by providing the Office of the Association with details in respect of such Nominee in writing or email (the “Nomination”) at least 10 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Nominations from the floor will only be accepted where a nomination to fill a vacancy has not been received and there are no candidates to fill said vacancy.
- If the number of nominees in an election for Officers/Directors exceeds the number of Officers/Directors to be elected at the election, the election of Officers/Directors must be by secret ballot.
- If the number of candidates nominated for Officers/Director is equal to the number of Officers/Directors to be elected, those nominated are declared elected and no election is required.
- In an election of Officers/Directors, the Chair of the Board Meeting must declare elected the candidates who received the highest number of valid votes up to the number of Officers/Directors to be elected.
- If two (2) or more candidates receive an equal number of votes for Director position on the Board and it is not practical to hold a run-off election at
the Meeting:
- the Officers/Directors who have already been elected in the election; and
- the Officers/Directors whose terms of office will not expire at the end of the meeting at which the election is held.
must determine which of those candidates is to be elected by majority vote.
- Nominees must be present at the AGM to be able to have their name stand in the election process.
5.4 Term of Office
- Directors (with the exception of those terms of office more particularly described in Section 6.7 below) shall serve a term of two (2) years.
5.5 Board of Directors Meetings:
- Executive Committee and Directors of the Board shall meet together once per month for the dispatch of business and shall otherwise regulate their meetings as they consider appropriate.
- The President may change the frequency of meetings at its direction, acting reasonably.
- The minutes of Board meetings shall be available upon request to the Members of the Association and shall be distributed to the Board within a reasonable time following each Board meeting.
- A meeting of the Board may be held by conference call or other electronic means. Directors who participate on this call are considered to be present for the meeting.
5.6 Voting
- Each Director entitled to vote shall have one (1) vote at a meeting of the Board.
- The individual acting as Chair of the Board Meeting shall only hold a tie breaking vote.
5.7 Quorum
- A majority of Directors in office, from time to time, but no less than seven (7) Directors, including at least one of either the President, a Vice President, shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the Board. Any meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all or any of the authorities, powers and discretions by or under these Bylaws.
- If, within one (1) hour from the time designated for a Meeting a quorum is not present, the Meeting shall be adjourned to a date and time as determined by the majority of Directors present.
5.8 Chair of the Board Meeting
The President, or in its absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, shall preside over all
meetings of the Board (the “Chair of the Board Meeting”).
5.9 Remuneration
No Member, Coordinator, Director or Officer of the Association shall receive any remuneration for its services.
5.10 Reimbursement for Expenses
Notwithstanding Section 5.9 above, members of the Board shall be reimbursed for all reasonable out-of- pocket expenses resulting from attendance at Hockey Alberta, HC, Board and Committee meetings, as well as other activities related to Board and/or Committee duties.
5.11 Removal, Death and Resignation of Director
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to remove any Director before the expiration of its term of office for neglect of duty or misconduct (in its sole and unfettered discretion) by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the Executive Committee.
- Any Director that does not attend three (3) scheduled meetings, without notice, may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3rd) vote of the Executive Committee (in its sole and unfettered discretion).
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy created by the removal, death, resignation or removal of a Director.
6.0 Officers
a. The Officers of the Association shall be:
- The President
- The Vice President Operations
- The Vice President Governance
- The Treasurer
- The Secretary.
b. Shall be elected by majority vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
6.1 Executive Committee
- The Officers of the Association shall comprise the Executive
- Shall manage the property, business and affairs of the
- Shall hire and oversee the performance of all staff as described in Section 0.
- The Executive Committee shall, by majority vote, have:
- the power to adopt or enact any rules, regulations required for the operation or management of the Association.
- the power to fill any vacancy which may occur in the Executive Committee or the Board, and which vacancy shall be filled until the next Annual or Interim General Meetings; and
- the power to impose and enforce penalties for violation of the Bylaws and/or the Rules and Regulations of the Association.
- Shall supervise the collection of and authorize the expenditure of funds of the Association.
- Shall interpret, define and explain all provisions of the Bylaws of the Association as necessary.
- Shall adjudicate all disputes between Members that make it to the
- Shall designate from time to time the individuals responsible to solicit support from a variety of sectors to support the Association’s
- Shall have the power by two-thirds (2/3rd) vote to prevent any spectator from viewing a game or activity or entering a facility to view a game or activity that is being conducted by the Association for conduct the Executive Committee has deemed in its sole and unfettered discretion to be detrimental to the Moreover, the Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend any coach, player, team official, or team with whom the spectator is affiliated, when
necessary. Such suspension shall be effective immediately or until referred to the Appeal Committee.
- The Executive Committee may create new Board positions as it deems necessary from time to time.
6.2 President
- The President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting
- Shall preside over all Annual and Interim General Meetings and Special Meetings of the Association, all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors
- Shall ensure the Executive Committee and Board of Directors governs and acts in the best interest of the Association using the Vision and Mission Statements of the Association as the compass of Direction.
- Shall work exclusively with Game & Conduct Director to ensure the integrity of the Conduct of the Association (where a conflict of interest exists, appoint a VP to consult on Conduct issues)
- Shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee at the request of three (3) members of the Executive Committee or at the President’s discretion
- Shall appoint a Vice-President as the acting president in case of If the President is unable to make such an appointment, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Vice-President as to act as president in the Presidents place; and
- Shall have all the powers and responsibilities of the President of the
6.3 Vice- President- Governance
- The Vice-President Governance shall be elected at the Annual General
- The Vice- President Governance shall ensure that all the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the Association are carried out; and
- Work in conjunction with the Executive and Directors to adopt and implement policies as required and directed and ensure that policies are carried out and followed;
- Be responsible for facilitating and coordinating any review and/or amendments to the By-laws;
- Work in conjunction with MHMHA staff to ensure Societies Act compliance and other institutional compliance as required;
- Shall, in the absence or inability of the President, & when appointed to do so, assume the duties of the President and shall, in that event, have all the powers, authority and restrictions of the Chair.
6.4 Vice-President – Operations
- The Vice-President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting
- Shall work in conjunction with the Hockey Operations Manager and General Manager, along with all staff and Executive of MHMHA to ensure the efficient operation of MHMHA.
- Shall, in the absence or inability of the President, & when appointed to do so, assume the duties of the President and shall, in that event, have all the powers, authority and restrictions of the Chair.
6.5 Treasurer
- The Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting
- Shall establish and Present a yearly Budget to the Board of Directors for approval
- Shall provide monthly reporting to Board of
- Shall monitor all accounts and Direct the Financial Administrator as needed
- Shall ensure all required audits are performed annually, report to Members at AGM, ensure Year End Budget is documented for membership viewing.
- Shall assist the Vice President Operations and Secretary in the overseeing of Administration Office Staff
- In the absence of the Treasurer, the Executive committee will determine who shall assume the responsibilities of the Treasurer.
6.6 Secretary
- The Secretary shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting
- Shall record the minutes of all resolutions and proceedings at all Meetings, including but not limited to the Annual and Interim General Meetings, Special Meetings, Board meetings, Executive Committee meetings
- Shall make available copies of the minutes of Board Meetings to the Board of Directors and membership in a timely manner.
- Shall work in conjunction with the Vice-President Governance ensure Associations Rules and Regulations are up to date.
- Shall assist the Vice President-Operations and Treasurer in the overseeing of Administration Office Staff
- Shall be keeper & modifier of all employee
- In the absence of the Secretary, the Executive Committee will determine who shall assume the responsibilities of the Secretary.
6.7 Term of Office
- The terms for the Officers of the Executive Committee shall carry a three (3) year terms.
- Members of the Executive Committee shall:
- remain in office until their successor is elected or appointed unless earlier terminated pursuant to these Bylaws.
- At each Annual General Meeting of the Association, all the members
of the Executive Committee whose terms have expired shall retire from office and the Association shall elect members of the Executive Committee accordingly.
- Elections for the Executive Committee shall be on a rotating basis so that the terms of office of the President and Vice Presidents terminate in consecutive years and so that the terms of office for the Treasurer and Secretary terminate in consecutive years.
7.0 Directors
The Directors of the Association shall be:
- Director of Game and Conduct
- Director of Intro to Hockey (U9 and below)
- Director of Travel Hockey
- Director CAHL
- Director of City Hockey (U11 and above)
- Director of Female Hockey Rep
- Director of Female Hockey City
- Director of Risk Management
7.1 Director of Game and Conduct
- Shall be elected by a majority vote of Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall serve a term of two (2) years.
- Shall be responsible for implementing the Game & Conduct Plan
- Shall handle all communications between the Referee in Chief of the Referee Association, HOM & Operation Coordinators for all Hockey Alberta Gaming issues
- Shall handle all communications and report directly to the President of the Association for all Conduct issues (where a conflict of interest is present; report to appointed Vice President)
- The Game & Conduct Director shall make the Game and Conduct Plan available to all Members.
7.2 Director of Intro to Hockey
- Shall be elected by a majority vote of Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall serve a term of one (2) year.
- Shall govern over the U7/U9 divisions of the
- Shall report directly to the Executive Committee of the
- Shall have the power to appoint Operation Coordinators to assist in the operations and organization of U7/U9 hockey teams.
7.3 Director of Travel Hockey
- Shall be elected by a majority vote of Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall serve a term of one (2) year.
- Shall govern over all U11/U13/U15/U18 tiered teams that are to be the representing (rep) teams for the provincial leagues the association is involved in. This is not including any AAA or AA Host Teams.
- Shall report directly to the Executive Committee of the
- Shall have the power to appoint Operation Coordinators to assist in the operations and organization of rep hockey teams.
- Shall be elected by a majority vote of Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall serve a term of two(2) years.
- Shall govern over all U11/U13/U15/U18 tiered teams that are to be the representing (rep) teams for the provincial leagues the association is involved in. This is not including any AAA or AA Host Teams.
7.4 Director of City Hockey
- Shall be elected by a majority vote of Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall serve a term of one (2) year.
- Shall govern over all U11/U13/U15/U18 city
- Shall report directly to the Executive Committee of the
- Shall have the power to appoint Operation Coordinators to assist in the operations and organization of City Leagues and Teams.
7.5 Director of Female City Hockey
- Shall be elected by a majority vote of Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall serve a term of one (2) year.
- Shall govern over all of Female City
- Shall report directly to the Executive Committee of the
- Shall have the power to appoint Operation Coordinators to assist in the operations and organization of female hockey teams.
7.6 Director of Female Rep Hockey
- Shall be elected by a majority vote of Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall serve a term of one (2) year.
- Shall govern over all of Female Rep
- Shall report directly to the Executive Committee of the
- Shall have the power to appoint Operation Coordinators to assist in the operations and organization of female hockey teams.
7.7 Director of Risk Management
Shall be elected by a majority vote of Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall serve a term of two (2) years, who shall be responsible for the implementation, tracking and maintenance of any and all health and safety related programs for the Association.
8.0 Operation Coordinators
Operation Coordinators shall be appointed on a year-by-year basis by the Board of Directors.
Shall include but not limited to:
- U7 Coordinator
- U9 Coordinator
- U11 City Coordinator
- U13 City Coordinator
- U15 City Coordinator
- U18 City Coordinator
- U11/U13 Rep Coordinator
- U15/U18 Rep Coordinator
- Female City Coordinator
- Female Rep Coordinator
- Goaltender Development Coordinator
- Dryland Coordinator
- Shall be considered the lead organizer to the area
- Shall not be considered Directors of the
- Shall report directly to the
9.0 South East Athletic Club (SEAC)
The South East Athletics Club (SEAC) will be the operational organization for all of MHMHA AAA & AA Teams. The agreement between MHMHA and SEAC will be disclosed in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
10.0 Committees
The Board may create such committees with such mandate, authority and direction as it determines to be necessary or useful in the discharge of its duties and obligations.
11.0 Staff
- The Executive Committee will have the ability and sole discretion to hire compensated staff of the Association, from time to time, to assist in the daily operations of the Association, in accordance with its specific and/or particular needs from time to time. These positions will include and are not limited to:
- General Manager
- Hockey Operations Manager (HOM)
- Registrar & Financial Administrator
- Ice Scheduler
- Office Assistant
- An Employee Agreement shall be in place and signed for all staff members hired by the Association.
12.0 Financial Matters
12.1 Borrowing and Investment
- The Executive Committee is hereby authorized, from time to time to borrow money upon the credit of the Association, from any bank, association, firm or person, upon such terms, covenants and conditions at such times, in
such sums:
- for the purpose of meeting the operating expenses of the Association, when in the opinion of the Executive Committee other resources of the Association are insufficient or cannot be made readily available for such purposes; or
- for any other purpose of the Association on the recommendation of the Board and with the approval of at least seventy-five (75%) percent of
those Members who, if entitled to do so, vote in person at an Annual or Interim General Meeting or Special Meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall take such steps as it may deem requisite to enable the Association to acquire, accept, solicit, or receive legacies, gifts, grants, settlements, bequests, endowments and donations of any kind whatsoever for the purpose of furthering the objects of the Association.
12.2 Financial Year
- Unless otherwise ordered by the Board, the fiscal year end of the Association shall be May 31st.
12.3 Audit
- The books, financial records and accounts of the Association will be audited at least once per year by a duly qualified Chartered Professional Accountant, who shall be tasked with the preparation of a complete and proper statement of the standings of the books for the previous year.
- The audited financial records for the prior fiscal year will be presented by the Treasurer, or in its absence a Vice-President or Secretary, at the Interim General Meeting of the Association.
12.4 Books and Records
- The Association’s books and records may be inspected by any Member or Associate Member of the Association at the Annual General Meeting or at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the Officer or Officers of the Association having charge of the same. Each member of the Board shall have access to such books and records upon reasonable notice as aforesaid.
12.5 Execution of Documents
- Contracts, documents or any instruments in writing requiring the signature of the Association, shall be signed by any two (2) Officers and all contracts, documents and instruments in writing so signed, shall be binding, upon the Association without any further authorization or formality.
12.6 Seal
- The Board may adopt a seal, which shall be the common seal of the Association.
- The common seal of the Association shall be under the control of the Board, who shall determine the responsibility for its custody and use from time to time.
13.0 Dispute Resolution
13.1 Hockey Alberta Bylaws and Rules Prevail
- If any of the Bylaws or Rules herein conflict with Hockey Alberta Bylaws or
Rules, Hockey Alberta’s Bylaws and Rules shall prevail.
- A copy of the Hockey Alberta Bylaws can be obtained on the Hockey Alberta website (hockeyalberta.ca).
14.0 Indemnification of Officers and Directors
The Association shall indemnify every member of the Board and their heirs, executors and administrators against all loss, costs and expense, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred by the individual in connection with any action, suit or proceeding to which the individual may be made a party by reason of his or her being or having been a member of the Board, except as to matters as to which he or she shall be finally adjudged in such action, suit or proceeding to be liable for fines or penalties imposed in a criminal suit or action or for unjustified profit or advantage or for any illegal act done or attempted in bad faith or dishonesty.
15.0 General Matters
15.1 Amendment of Bylaws
The Bylaws of the Association may be rescinded, altered, or amended by Special Resolution of the Members as more particularly described in the Act.
15.2. Effective Date
The Bylaw shall come into force on the date on which this Bylaw is enacted and registered.
ENACTED this __________________ Medicine Hat Minor Hockey Association