U13B Rocky Mountain

U13B Rocky Mountain Division

Focus on refining individual skills and tactics, and enhancing understanding of team play principles in a fun and competitive environment

  • Team receives full ice practices (2 hours per week)
  • Participate in Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League (RMFHL) against other female teams for all games
  • Divisions are tiered by similarly skilled teams to maximize athlete development and ensure athletes are playing against similar skilled opponents 
  • “User-pay” model within MHMHA for team fees (ice costs, referees, etc.) 
  • Additional costs are dependent on team engagement (extra practices, out-of-town tournaments, team building activities, travel preferences, etc.) 
  • The team is dependent on player enrollment

In recent years, player enrollment has supported two U13 teams – U13A and U13B.  MHMHA has not yet had enrollment to support a U13 Wildcats (city) team, thus MHMHA teams created through tryout process and participate in U13A and U13B divisions within RMFHL.

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U13B Rocky Mountain Schedule


U13B Rocky Mountain Female Standings


U13B Rocky Mountain Female Leaderboard