I GOT MIND Presentation – January 24th and 25th

Hello all,

MHMHA is very excited about the opportunity being able to introduce Bob Wilkie and his I GOT MIND team. We will be hosting a two day event the details are in the link below with a brief description of what will be offered. We feel very strongly about the message / skills Bob is trying to bring to our association and community. Please consider coming and being apart of one of the spectacular nights we have planned. There will be an opportunity to win prizes which you must register and attend to be entered in the draw, which will be made on the night of the 25th. Prizes include 400$ off next years registration with MHMHA, 100$ gift card for source for sports. Click on the link for more detail / To register. A lot of rewarding and great information structured through I GOT MIND that helps please be apart of it.


Thank you,

