There are multiple registered participants with expired Respect in Sport – Parent certification. Many have put incorrect dates, made up dates or typed “unknown” when filling out this portion of the registration. Please ensure your Respect in Sport – Parent Course is up to date and NOT expired. If your Respect in Sport – Parent course is expired, your registration is not complete. If your certificate has expired, please re-certify by August 15, 2023. Failure to complete this, will result in your child being removed from any tryout/evaluation list and they will not be permitted on the ice.
To find your expiry date, you must log into your account and find it either under your profile or by looking at your certificate. The certificate will show the date you completed the course, which means it would be 4 Years after the date completed, with an expiration of May 1st. For example: If you completed the course on July 7, 2021, your expiry date would be May 1, 2025. If you still have trouble finding the expiry, please contact Respect in Sport Help Desk at 1-866-956-9791