Risk Management Guideline

Table of Contents


Risk Management is the process by which an organization identifies, assesses, controls, and minimizes the risk of bodily injury or financial loss arising from its activities. In hockey, Risk Management is the process by which a Branch or Association reviews its activities, programs, and operating procedures (including buildings and staff) to identify, understand and insure against the everyday risks in operating an organized hockey program.

Medicine Hat Minor Hockey Association has the responsibility to:

  • Provide a safe environment for all of its participants. Policies and procedures are required to help create and maintain safe programs in safe facilities overseen by qualified, certified and/or trained volunteers or staff.
  • Make decisions fairly that will affect their members, notably having and following proper policies and procedures when handling complaints/disputes and when making important decisions.
  • Protect its assets and resources including money, equipment, facilities, data and image.

MHMHA follows the Risk Management policy as laid out in Hockey Alberta here.


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