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Team Handbook

26 min read


This handbook provides information to aid the Head Coach and Team Managers in the smooth operation of the team.  Numerous appendices including samples, templates and valuable links are included to assist the Team Manager in pre-planning and organization.

NOTE: Both CAHL and RMFHL have manuals and information on their websites that give specific instructions on all policies relating to their respective leagues. Please be sure to obtain a copy of those from their website and keep in your manager binder for easy reference. Make yourself familiar to all suspension, cancellation, affiliation, game sheet and off-ice official policies.

Central Alberta Hockey League Website      Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League Website

CAHL Manual                                                                 RMFHL Manual


The Head Coach is the most integral component of a successful team experience – both on the ice and off. It can be the most rewarding experience. You serve not only as an instructor, but also as a Mentor, Role Model and Leader during all team activities. Through the years players often remember that one great coach who influenced them

Ultimately, the Head Coach is responsible providing the oversight over all team operations as well as all on-ice instruction. This does not mean that the Head Coach must do everything. A good coach will delegate and put trust in their Assistant Coaches, Team Manager and team level volunteers.

A MHMHA head coach’s goal should be to focus on player development and on-ice instruction to provide the players with rewarding hockey experiences.

This handbook provides information to aid MHMHA Coaches in the smooth operation of the team, by identifying key topics that the head Coach may need to address over the course of the season. Numerous appendices including samples, templates and valuable links are included to assist you in pre-planning and organization.


All MHMHA coaches will be expected to:

  • Have the necessary training required by Hockey Alberta. You can find Up to Date training criteria
  • Adhere to MHMHA’s Guiding Principles (2.1)
  • Abide by the Coaches Code of Conduct (found in…
  • Review the Alberta Hockey Association’s Player Code of Conduct with the parents and players on his or her team, ensuring all players understand, and sign and returns these forms. These are available on the MHMHA website.
  • Be familiar with Hockey Canada’s Playing Rules and Hockey Alberta’s Minimum Suspension Guidelines


  • Choose a Team Manager prior to the first practice. MHMHA Team Manager Coordinator will have some suggestions if needed. Ideally the TM is not the spouse of the HC
  • Work with the TM to choose a team treasurer (this can be done at the parent meeting)
  • Work with the TM to ensure that the parents of the team are aware of the MHMHA bylaws and the Association guidelines
  • Develop a set of rules for the team, which are clearly communicated and enforced equally on all players.
  • Ensure all coaching staff has completed the online RESPECT in SPORT LEADERS Failure to complete this course will result in that coach’s suspension until course completion.
  • Ensure proper supervision of the team before, during and after all games and practices and accept responsibility for the conduct, safety and well-being of players.
  • Please use this link as an online resource to learn the responsibilities of coaches and managers related to suspensions, sanctions and game sheets.


Hockey Alberta requires that each team holds proper certifications to best ensure a positive experience for each athlete. Teams will not be approved by Hockey Alberta until all certification requirements are met. The deadline each year for these certifications to be completed is November 15th.

As a Head Coach, it is extremely important that you complete all certifications as early as possible.

Coaches in Alberta have access to a wide variety of clinics and training opportunities to help develop their skills as teachers and instructors of players of all ages across the province.

Use the chart below to determine what additional certifications your team will need. A reminder that some certifications expire after a certain number of years.

**Note that MHMHA covers the cost of all required coaching clinics except for Respect in Sport – Activity Leader (RIS).  RIS Activity Leader is required for ALL coaches prior to going on the ice.

To view your current coaching qualifications, login to your Hockey Canada eHockey Account

NOTE:  Hockey Canada E Hockey Account for Coaches changed this year to HCR 3.0 Spordle. To help you find your old E-Hockey information in the new platform go to


City league teams of all ages will receive shared practice times, especially in the younger age divisions. This is advised in Long Term Player Development to give players the appropriate number of practice times in a week. Efforts should be made to work cooperatively to best utilize the ice time, and in some divisions a protocol is established for sharing ice. Teams should not use shared practice times for inter-squad scrimmages.

*Note that setting up half-ice boards is not necessary for U9 practices.


Hockey Alberta hosts a large number of coaching resources on their website and updates it regularly. To access these resources CLICK HERE

Additionally, you will have access to the Association’s Hockey Development Personnel


In the case that referees fail to show up for a game, a carded team official will be expected to referee. Make sure you or one of your coaches always bring their helmet and skates to games just in case.

A good rule of thumb is to check the referee room 20 minutes prior to game start at all home games. If no referees are present, then you should contact your Division Director to alert them so that substitutes can be arranged by the assigner if possible. If you have no referees by game time one of you will have to officiate the game.

*This applies to all levels of MHMHA


Intro to hockey/U7 – There are NO game sheets required

U9 – A U9 Game Report will need to be completed. These are available through your Division Director

U11 through U18 – Contact your Division Director for game sheets.

A carded team official will need to fill in and sign off on the player roster information for each game. Be sure to include any affiliate players and note any suspended players. If a player’s suspension is not noted on the game sheet, it will be treated as not being served. Always note (ie. Susp. 1 of 2, 2 of 2).

Note: utilizing a player that is not on your official hard-card could result in indefinite suspension of the Head Coach.


Regulations Regarding Suspensions – The Hockey Alberta Regional Minor Discipline Coordinator for the South Zone determines suspensions for all pre-season, exhibition, provincial, and tournament games. MHMHA Game and conduct, GM and Division Directors enforce suspensions for any internal MHMHA league play.

Hockey Alberta has minimum mandatory suspensions for certain penalties. Contact information for all Hockey Alberta Discipline Coordinators can be found on the Hockey Alberta Volunteer Contacts page, under the “Minor Discipline Committee” tab.

You may also internally suspend a player for up to one game (with support from your Division Director) for a team-level infraction. Any more serious offences should be handled through the MHMHA Game and Conduct.

 Sitting Out Suspensions – when a player or coach has been given a suspension, the team manager or coach will be notified the number of games they must sit out. They will also be notified what type of game qualifies for serving the suspension. In most cases, exhibition games do not count towards serving a suspension; however, the player may not participate in ANY game, exhibition or otherwise, until the suspension is served. The player or coach must be listed on the game sheet of any game played until the suspension is served and must have “Suspended” listed beside his or her name to prove that the game was sat out. Depending on the severity and nature of an infraction, a player or coach may be subject to further discipline by


  • An affiliate player CANNOT be used in place of a suspended player.
  • No suspended Player or Team Official is allowed:
  • on the bench,
  • in the timekeepers/penalty box,
  • dressing room or
  • within 50 feet of the players’ bench during a game. (Hockey Alberta Regulation)

If you have not received notification of the suspension and you have a game, DO NOT ALLOW THE PLAYER TO PARTICIPATE UNTIL THEIR SUSPENSION HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. If they participate in a game when they are suspended, the Head Coach may face indefinite suspension!



The most important thing the Team Manager can do is delegate – it is almost impossible for a Team Manager to do everything without help. A strong parent base will make for a strong team. Most parents will be prepared to volunteer in some capacity; a good rule of thumb is that each family should take on at least one role.


  • Be familiar with Hockey Canada’s Playing Rules and Hockey Alberta’s Minimum Suspension Guidelines.
  • Attend the managers meeting held with the MHMHA Team Manager Coordinator
  • Work cooperatively with the coaching staff and team treasurer
  • To be the main communication point of the team *see communication below


  • The Team Manager is responsible for ensuring all the off-ice tasks are completed

This does not mean that the Manager must do it all; he or she needs to make sure that it gets done via delegation.  By taking on the operational aspects of the team, the Manager enables the coach to focus on player development and on ice instruction to provide the players with rewarding hockey experiences. The following is a general list of all the manager’s duties within MHMHA.

  • Work with the TM to ensure that the parents of the team are aware of the MHMHA bylaws and the Association guidelines
  • Delegate duties
  • Plan the Parent Meeting
  • Understand and utilize their MHMHA supplied TeamSnap account to communicate with teams and deliver schedules.


MHMHA is a non-profit sports organization that would not exist without our members and volunteers.  All members are required to volunteer on behalf of their team throughout the season. It takes parent involvement from everyone to make a team successful.

MHMHA requires each team have each of the following positions:

  • Head Coach – main responsibility is the players on the team.
  • Team Manager – responsible for the schedule and all league required paperwork.
  • Team Safety Lead – must have safety training course and first aid is recommended. The safety person does not need to be a coach on the bench, and it is encouraged that it is not to be the head coach.
  • Team Treasurer – will handle all finances for the team and be one of the two signatures on the bank account.
  • Parent Liaison – will be the first point of contact to resolve issues within a team.  All parents must feel comfortable talking to the liaison and going to this person with any issue they may have.   Someone who has experience dealing with conflict is preferred.
  • Fundraising Coordinator – will be the person to handle the coordination of the MHMHA fundraising activity for the year as well as any other fundraising activities a team may decide to participate in.
  • Jersey Coordinator (not required for City League) – will be responsible for looking after a set of the team jerseys. All game jerseys are the property of MHMHA so must be kept together as a team set. Coordinator will be responsible for cleaning and ensuring they make it to every game in good shape.  It is recommended that white jerseys be maintained by someone who is not using well water for washing as any rust in the water will discolor them sooner.
  • Tournament Coordinator: – the person chosen to work with the MHMHA Event Planner to assist with planning your division’s tournament (if applicable)


Team meetings are essential in the development of formal communication amongst a team, and they encourage participation from all members. An initial meeting should be set up shortly following the formation of the team – for many this will be the first time they meet other players, parents, and coaching staff. Ideally, the Team Manager should be in place before the initial team meeting, and should work with the Head Coach to develop a meeting agenda which should include the following items:

  • seasonal plans
  • parent volunteer expectations and designations
  • coaches/player/parent conduct
  • conflict resolution process
  • safety procedures
  • tournaments
  • preliminary budget

This helps to ensure that all parents understand the time and financial commitment up-front before the season commences. Initial Team Budget discussion should take place and the selection of a Treasurer should be carried out. Be sure that minutes from the initial meeting are recorded and distributed to parents. These minutes may be useful when dealing with disputes or concerns later in the season.

See Appendix 1: Team Meeting Agenda


A preliminary team budget should be prepared prior to the first team meeting. A discussion should be had with your parent group to determine which optional items you should eventually include or omit. When creating your team budget make sure to have considered:

  • Coach input (desire for extra ice; power skating; development; other)
  • Team apparel; tournaments; social event expenses; team building

Once a Budget is agreed upon all parents should receive a copy.

A copy of your budget may be requested by the association treasurer for review. You are required to submit this document to the treasurer within 24 hours of request.

*See Appendix 2: Sample Budget Template

*See Appendix 13 – Team Budget Policy for detailed budget requirements – coming soon



Teams must review and adhere to Hockey Alberta’s travel policies

Travel | Hockey Alberta

Travel | Hockey Alberta | Officials Committee


Attending Tournaments

Limitations –Tournaments are limited to 2 per season per team.

Permits –Travel permits are required to attend tournaments.  Only the MHMHA Registrar can obtain a permit for you.  You can apply for a travel permit online on the MHMHA website.

Tournament Accommodations

If the team is traveling to a destination that will require an overnight stay, or meals, the Team Manager will need to make a “block booking” in advance so that hotels and restaurants will be prepared to accommodate a large group.

  • Check with MHMHA General Manager, as we sometimes have special pricing available for teams based on partnerships with certain hotel chains.
  • Try and arrange hotel options that are good for families but are also cost effective. Pools and waterslides are always a hit!
  • Try not to book in overly expensive hotels. It may be cost prohibitive for your team, and their clientele may not be appreciative of the noise involved with a hockey team booking
  • Always book with the hotel manager or group-booking agent if possible. Skip the front desk.
  • If you can, arrange for an additional conference room or group space. This is great for team meals and parent socials.
  • As the team manager, you may be able to negotiate a complimentary room as a thank-you for bringing them your business. Managing is hard work, take advantage of the perks if you can get them. If your team is chartering a bus, the comp room can be used for the bus driver, which will lower your overall team travel expenses.  This will keep the hockey records up to date and consistent.

Tournament Meals

It is often more time and cost effective to arrange for team meals instead of leaving everyone to fend for themselves. Local restaurants will often have difficulty accommodating large groups without a few days’ notice, especially if there is a big tournament in town.


  • Hotels often have in-house catering and have pre-set or customizable team meal menus and pricing. This is a great option if you have a group space available. It’s quick, easy, and the kids can get back to their team bonding activities way quicker than if a team went to a restaurant.
  • Consider pre-booking your meals at restaurants. The team can arrive at a specified time with the food already ordered & prepared. The team can be in and out quickly to get to that next game.
  • Teams should try and avoid fast-food options wherever possible, but franchises like Subway offer quick and easy group platters that can feed your team quickly and inexpensively. You can even have it delivered to the rink between games.
  • When in doubt, talk to your hotel manager or tournament organizer, they are likely to be able to recommend great local food options.
  • Be sure to consider any allergies or diet restrictions your team members may have.


Other tasks or helpful tips include

  • Make and print team roster stickers. Any 2 x 4” sticky labels work. Must have Team name, jersey numbers, first/last name, Jersey letters (ex/ ‘C’ if known) AP’s properly labeled, coaches & assistants and Manager listed.
  • Know your Hockey Canada Team number
  • Hockey Canada’s complete Managers Handbook can be found
  • Remember Travel permits are needed for all travel outside of medicine hat. Yes, you need one to play against Redcliff in Redcliff.
  • You need a travel permit for ALL exhibition games


The Team Manager is a central figure in creating the flow of communication – not only within the team (players, parents and coaches), but between the team and all support systems such as MHMHA administration, Division Directors, other teams, referees, etc.

All teams are provided with a free TeamSnap account for team management. Let team members know that TeamSnap will be the preferred method for team communications and schedule information. All player and parent contact information should already be listed in the TeamSnap roster profiles based on what was entered during registration, but make sure to let your parents know to update or add any additional email addresses or family members they want to receive team schedules and communications.


Our registration and team management system all operate through our TeamSnap Organization Account. As part of this, all teams are provided a free TeamSnap Account through MHMHA. Each team is required to utilize their MHMHA supplied TeamSnap account, as this is how we communicate with teams and deliver schedules.

Once team selections are announced, your player will already be assigned to your TeamSnap roster. Your Division Director will send you a separate invite which provides you Manager permissions and access. Manager access provides you the ability to add events to the schedule, as well as add coaches and other team officials to the roster.

All player and parent contact information should already be there based on the information provided through registration, but let your parents know to add to their profiles any additional email addresses or family members they want to have access to the team schedules and communications.

All team members should be encouraged to do the following so that they have access to the most up to date team information:

All games, practices, and team events need to be uploaded into TeamSnap, so your team has access to the information.

The team manager is responsible for the TeamSnap account. Some managers prefer to assign a team volunteer to manage your team account, which is ok however as Team Manager it is only you that will retain manager access so you can modify any activities within TeamSnap. You will still be required to ensure the schedule is correct,     updated on the app, communicate with your team, answer questions and update live games (although any team member can do this)

For detailed TeamSnap usage information, see section 3 – TeamSnap


Any questions you may have should always be directed to the appropriate person within our own association first. Using other pathways of communication may hinder desired results if the proper line of communication was not followed.

For all managers, your Division Director is your first point of contact.  You must direct everything regarding the association through them.

Coordinators and managers should be communicating on a regular basis. Information the coordinator receives at the operating meetings should flow through to the teams through the manager only.

Team Managers should never contact any CAHL Representative except for their assigned Governor or their Division Lead Governor unless directly requested to do so.

Do not contact Hockey Alberta Staff at anytime

Flow of communication

Parent led (parent has concern)

Association Led (association have information to share)


U7, U9 TIMBIT jerseys are sponsored by Timbits hockey.  These jerseys are to be returned at the end of the season,

Who hands the jerseys out – who picks them up from office?


Jerseys and hockey socks are provided for U11 City players courtesy of McDonalds. These do not need to be returned to MHMHA.   McDonald’s also donates the coveted golden jersey that each team will use for their heart and hustle award at the end of games.  The player that receives the jersey then keep it until the next game where it is handed to another player. During the players’ time with the jersey, they can wear it to practice, to school etc.  They’re proud to show off their hard work.  Players have also signed the jersey after their turn as well.

U13-U18 information coming soon


CAHL and REP jerseys are numbered 2 to 25 plus a goalie jersey of #1 and #31. These jerseys go through a 4-year rotation with the organization.  The old jerseys are sold or donated at the end of their cycle.

The handling of the jerseys is a delegated/volunteer position on a team. The designated Jersey parent must pick up the team’s jerseys from the MHMHA Office. While jerseys are in the teams’ possession (with Jersey parent) proper care and instructions must be followed. Jerseys should:

  • be laundered after each use
  • must be hung to dry
  • hung in numerical order in garment bag
  • Taken to all games


  1. Teams are responsible for having player names put on jerseys (optional).
  2. Socks can be purchased from MHMHA at the office for $16.00 a pair.
  3. When jerseys are returned to MHMHA, they must be washed and rehung on hangers
  4. The head coach of the team is ultimately responsible for the jerseys signed out from the office



The Team Treasurer is a required position on your Minor Hockey team. While the Head Coach, Team Manager and Team Treasurer are all responsible for the team finances, it is VERY important that one individual focuses on the team finances.

The Team Treasurer responsibilities can be found in the MHMHA Guidelines; however, here is  a brief overview of this position.

Duties of the team treasurer

  • Collecting, banking, and distribution of funds.
  • Tracking income and expenses.
  • Provide accurate and timely reports. (MHMHA


To start your season

  1. Open Team Bank Account –

With the Bank Account Authorization Letter, and the Team Manager (as the 2nd signatory), open a team account. If the team manager is also the treasurer, an additional parent is required to be second signor other than the teams Head Coach. MHMHA requires all teams have a dual signature account.

If you did not receive the instructions regarding the Bank Account Authorization Letter, from the team Welcome Package (that the Head Coach and/or Team Manager would have received), then contact the MHMHA Treasurer at:

  1. Create a budget

In conjunction with the Team Manager and Head Coach, create a draft budget for the season. There is a Budget Template on the MHMHA website that can be used.

  1. This draft budget is to be presented to the players parents at the team’s Parent Meeting.
  2. Have parents agree to budget

Team budget requires 75% approval.

  1. Once there is an agreement, make any required adjustments to the budget and present a paper copy to the families.
  1. Collect the agreed to ‘cash call’ and deposit the funds into the team bank account. Email transfers are ok if your bank allows them. It is recommended that EMT’s go to a team email account as well.

During the season

  1. Track and document team income and expenses.
  1. Monitor and update the team budget.
    1. If the team expenses are NOT in line with the agreed to budget, you need to bring this to the attention of the Head Coach and Manager. A parent meeting may be required to discuss the anomalies of the budget. Any readjustment to the budget, would require 75% parent approval.
  1. Provide regular treasurer reports to the parents. Suggested monthly, or Dec.1 and prior to playoffs at minimum.

End of the season

  1. Review the Year End Financial Report letter (found on the MHMHA website), for detailed instructions.
  2. Reimburse any cash calls with remaining funds– as described in the Year End Financial Report Letter.
  3. Zero out & close the Team Bank Account and provide Proof of Closure to the MHMHA Treasurer. A scan/email copy will suffice.
  4. All receipts and copies of the budget are to be held for a minimum of 6 months in the event anything needs to be reviewed by MHMHA

IMPORTANT: If teams did any gaming (50/50, raffle tickets), then follow the AGLC file retention policy. Typically, financials need to be held for 2 years.

Initial parent meeting

The coach will set the date and time for the Team parent meeting held at the beginning of the season. At this meeting a team budget should be discussed and approved by 75% of the parents to ensure that the team and parent expectations are aligned.

Parents also need to be advised that at the meeting, there may be the collection of the initial cash call, so that there is money to put in the bank account, when opened.

Treasurer Portion of the meeting -Team finance related discussion for the meeting could include:

  1. General discussion of the draft budget.
  2. Discuss the proposed ‘funding model’ for the team (see below).
  3. Deadline and recommended payment method for paying the cash-call.
  4. Who the team fee will be paid to? Example: U13 T5 Blues

NOTE: This will be the name on the Team Bank Account Authorization Letter


The Team Treasurer, along with the Team Manager and Head Coach should work together to develop a draft of the team budget prior to the Parent Meeting. Review the expenses that are unavoidable, and what additional activities are being proposed for the season. Some ‘Expense & Income’ examples are:


There are a number of expenses that the team should be aware of when budgeting. It would also be ‘wise’ to add in a budget for some small, unexpected expenses. Some examples include:

  • Registration fees for tournaments.
  • Referee fees; for exhibition games.
  • Additional ice for exhibition games.
  • Additional development for players and goalies
  • Office supplies such as game sheet labels
  • Team Apparel
  • Hockey Socks
  • Team Building.
  • Coaches Gifts / Year end Party.
  • Other miscellaneous expenses (such as ticket printing, game sheet stickers etc.)


Where does the team get funds from?

Generally, there are three standard types of funding for teams. They are Sponsorship, Fundraising & Parent Funded/Cash Call.

Sponsorship #

This model relies on personal, business and community connections to provide direct financial sponsorship to the team. Sponsorship can be in the form of cash, services, or supplies. Refer to the MHMHA Guidelines for further rules regarding sponsorships.

Fundraising #

This model relies on parents (players) actively fundraising for the team expenses. Such fundraising could include bottle drives, raffles, 50/50 etc. There are many options!

NOTE: for all fundraising – your team MUST follow the appropriate rules/regulations of the AGLC prior to beginning any fundraiser. Information can be found on the MHMHA website. All permits MUST be in the teams’ name. MHMHA is not to appear on any permit for any team in the association.

Parent Funded/Cash Call

Parent funding is where team expenses are paid for directly by the parents. With the increased demand on everyone’s time, some teams do find this approach easiest. This is also called ‘player paid.’

Additionally, a cash call may be used when team is in need of funds.  The difference between cash call and Parent funded is that with Parent funding no fundraising is done.  With a cash call, fundraising is done and if there are additional funds left at the end of the season, parents may receive a portion or all of their cash call back. Refunded amounts cannot exceed initial cash call.

Typically, teams use a combination of all three (3) models when supporting the team expenses for the season.


Each team will be required to set up a bank account at the beginning of the season. When working with a team bank account, it is ESPECIALLY important to implement ‘checks and balances’ to ensure that the funds are managed based on the team’s agreed upon budget, and to ensure that the funds are not misappropriated.

Banking Rules:

Checks and balances should include such things as:

  1. Review the Team Bank Account Authorization Letter.
  1. No debit cards are permitted for withdrawals. Debit cards would be for DEPOSIT ONLY, and for VIEWING ONLY, the bank account online. DEBIT CARDS ARE DISCOURAGED WITH THE USE OF ONLINE BANKING
  1. Bank Accounts require two signatures (as per the Bank Account Authorization Letter).
  1. Team Treasurer should receive a copy of the account’s monthly statement or be able to view online.
  1. Parents do have the right to inquire about the finances of the team, at any time – as this is their money in the account. MHMHA requires the team treasurer to provide banking details within 24 hours of request. Therefore, it would be good practice to send out monthly updates to the team.
  1. Any unforeseen expenses that arise, should be discussed with the parents BEFORE the transaction takes place. Especially because an “unforeseen expense” would not have been in the original budget.
  1. Ensure you get a receipt for ALL transactions.
  1. When writing a cheque, the description/memo line should always be filled out.
  1. The Team Treasurer and Team Manager can NOT be related in any way. They can, however, be the same person (1 person fulfilling both jobs) If this is the case, email the Administrator at: to confirm who the secondary signatory should be.
  1. Teams are free to set up their bank account with the financial institution of their choice. You must ensure the account is NOT a business account – and is instead a COMMUNITY account. MHMHA recommends using Servus Credit Union.
  1. At no time is a personal or business account of a player/player’s parent to be used as a team account.


If AFTER reviewing this guide and the information on the MHMHA website and you have further questions, please contact the Treasurer at:

Also, please contact the Administrator at: info@ If your question/inquiry is not covered in the documentation, in order to assist other Team Treasurers that question may be added


Any discrepancies between this handbook, and any of the following manuals: MHMHA guidelines, Bylaws or the Association’s Policy and Procedure Manual, the later documents will take precedence. Discrepancies in this Guide should be brought to the Administrator and MHMHA Treasurer’s attention promptly.

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