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Screening of Trust Positions

2 min read


Hockey Alberta’s Duty of Care Policy requires background screening of individuals involved in hockey who hold positions of trust. The policy is designed with the safety of all participants in mind. The Medicine Hat Minor Hockey Association Board of Directors has the Duty of Care to ensure all people in trust positions are screened. As such, Intervention Record Check and Police Vulnerable Sector checks are required for all coaches and are required to be updated every three years. Police or RCMP are exempt.

MHMHA requires both a Police Vulnerable Sector Check (Criminal Record Check) and an Intervention Record check completed and submitted to the office NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 15. Due to the nature of these checks, there will be no exceptions.

  1. Vulnerable Sector Check:

All applications are done online. To apply for this check, email the office at to request a link for the Police Vulnerable Sector Check. Once you get the link, you will be able to complete the Police Vulnerable Sector Check at no cost to you. If you choose to do it on your own, without our link, MHMHA will only reimburse you the cost our association pays.

  1. Intervention Record Check:

To apply for an Intervention Record Check, you can access the form on the website here or under Risk Management.  Fill out all of Section 1 and only the applicable parts of Section 2. The form can then be sent to the centralized IRC mailbox for processing at

*PLEASE NOTE: An IRC can take up to 30 days to get sent back to you. You must apply for the IRC with this timeline in mind.  You will not be allowed on the ice without this check regardless of if you have applied for it.

 MHMHA Registrar will keep accurate records of all screening checks.  You can check with the office if you are unsure when your check expires

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